
むかしむかし、気多の岬(鳥取県)に一匹の白ウサギが住んでいました。 ある日、大洪水が起き,白ウサギは沖の島へ流されてしまい帰れなくなってしまいました。 そんな時,ワニ(海の鰐鮫)と出会いました。 白ウサギは,ワニを騙して向こう岸に戻ろうと思い 「ワニさん,君達の仲間と我々の仲間と、どっちが多いか比べてみようよ」 と言って、沖の島から気多の岬まで一列に並ばせ、ワニの背中を「一匹、二匹、三匹・・・」踏み数えながら渡って行きました。
「君達は騙されたのさ」 と言ってしまい、怒ったワニは,白ウサギの毛をむしって丸裸にしてしまいました。毛をむしり取られた白ウサギが砂浜で泣いていると、大勢の神様(大国主の命の兄たち)が通りがかり 「海水でその身を洗い、風に当たってよく乾かし、高い山の頂上で寝ていなさい」 と言いました白ウサギは言われた通りにしましたが、海水が乾くと皮がひび割れてかえって痛くなりました。白ウサギが泣いていると、大きな袋を担いだ大国主の命が通りかかりました。袋の中身は兄たちに担がされた荷物です。わけを聞いた大国主の命は「河口の水で体を洗い、蒲の穂を敷いてくるまりなさい。」と教えました.兎がいわれたとおりにすると、痛みが消え、毛が生えてすっかり元通りの体になりました。白ウサギはとても喜び,お礼に美しい八上比売(やかみひめ)の所に大国主の命をお連れしたそうです。 そして大国主の命は八上姫と結婚することができました。

Long, long ago there lived a hare in an island, who one day wanted to go to the opposite cape, but she couldn't swim.
She thought out an idea and carried it out. She said to a shark,
"Mr.Shark, which family do you think are bigger, your family and my family?"
"Of course, ours are bigger." he answered.
"So I'll count you. Please gather all of your family together and make them line on the sea from this island to the opposite cape. I'll run on them and count the number. We'll make out which family are bigger?"
A few days later all sharks lined on the sea and the hare, pretending to count the number, hopped on the back of theirs. When she jumped down on the cape, she said to them,
"How foolish you are to be deceived by me! I only wanted to came here. Thank you very much."
On knowing they were deceived, they caught and skinned her.
When she was crying, not knowing what to do, the shark said to her,
"If you enter the sea, you'll be cured."
When she did as she was told, she had a terrible pain.
"How foolish you are to be deceived by me! I only deceived you." said the shark.
When she was crying, not knowing what to do, a young man passed by her,
"If you wash yourself in the river and powder the pollen of cattails' on you, you'll be cured."
When she did as she was told, she got well until she was a white hare again.

原文 稲羽の素兎(古事記)
